Some Shahrukh interviews

Saw My Name is Khan on Monday and I seem to be having a Shahrukh relapse ;-P But hey, it’s been a while, so I’m kind of glad - I was starting to miss my Shahrukh fixation ;)
So anyway, something I had meant to post ages ago was the Jonathan Ross interview, which he did [...]

Slumdog Millionaire: Reactions in India and some interviews

I’m getting more and more excited about the film - can’t wait until it finally makes it into cinemas here!
I’ve been trying to follow the response in India and it’s quite peculiar. On the one hand there’s a lot of praise for Danny Boyle and a lot of excitement about A. R. Rahman’s Golden Globe [...]

Mumbai, Maharashtra, the diversity of India and how the Shiv Sena fit in

One of the things that I find most mind-boggling about India (or what I think I know about it anyway) is that every opinion or stance you could possibly conceive of seems to be somehow represented if you look for it hard enough. Things that seemingly contradict will mysteriously manage to function side by side.
Mumbai, [...]