My degree project is frustrating :-/

Friday, 26 September 2008, 12:47 | Category : Crumbs, Life & Stuff
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If you’re wondering why I’ve stopped writing all of a sudden - it’s because of my degree project :-/ I’ve got until Monday to complete it and so the last three nights I’ve been averaging about 5h sleep (and I’ve not been reading news either *sigh*). Apologies to anyone who is feeling ignored by me. [...]

Men with sexist views earn higher salaries

Monday, 22 September 2008, 21:36 | Category : Crumbs, Politics, Human Rights & Other Serious Stuff
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According to a US study anyway…

The US presidential campaign

(there’s also a little more on the veteran issue at the end of the clip)

More on US Veterans

This clip starts with pretty much the same material as in my previous post, but it gets into way more detail.

How a 3 year old saved his mum’s life

Sunday, 21 September 2008, 22:49 | Category : Crumbs, Uncategorized
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He dialed 999 on his mobile when she had an epileptic fit.

Arieh Czeislah and his Bar Mitzvah

A very nice story about the life of a 79 year old Auschwitz survivor.

About Snakes and Snapes

Ever since the release of Snakes on a Plane (2006) loads of jokes about it have been made. I’ve never seen the film, but the title just says it all ;) In fact that is exactly how the film was marketed:

What I hadn’t realized until recently was that it was an ongoing joke in the [...]

Veterans of War: the homeless population of the USA

Saturday, 20 September 2008, 22:37 | Category : Crumbs, Politics, Human Rights & Other Serious Stuff
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The Posters of Lebanon

My Mum’s Affair with Bollywood

Saturday, 20 September 2008, 21:03 | Category : Crumbs, Life & Stuff
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She’s now left for Kraków for a few days so for the first time in a long while I do not have any Bollywood songs thundering from behind my door ;)
But basically about 2 weeks ago she was so bored with what was on TV that she asked for some DVDs and quite willingly took [...]