Chak De! India on the big screen

I’m reaaaally behind with my “film diary”, so I guess I should start with that before I forget what I’ve been watching :]
Chak De! India (India, 2007)
Seen: a few times now, but most recently on Saturday, 8th November - it’s the first time I’ve seen it on the big screen and it makes quite [...]

My Mum’s Affair with Bollywood

Saturday, 20 September 2008, 21:03 | Category : Crumbs, Life & Stuff
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She’s now left for Kraków for a few days so for the first time in a long while I do not have any Bollywood songs thundering from behind my door ;)
But basically about 2 weeks ago she was so bored with what was on TV that she asked for some DVDs and quite willingly took [...]