MONTHLY SUMMARY: May 2009 aka too many things happening at once

Wednesday, 17 June 2009, 18:54 | Category : Life & Stuff, Loaves, Monthly Summaries
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My Month in Brief
May was a month during which everything kept happening insanely fast and planning anything seemed completely impossible - something would always turn things upside down :-/
Major Events
The month started very inauspiciously when my dad fainted in the local shop. They called the ambulance and my dad refused to go with them [...]

MONTHLY SUMMARY: April 2009 aka trying to get things together

Thursday, 14 May 2009, 17:13 | Category : Life & Stuff, Loaves, Monthly Summaries
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I should probably call these mid-monthly summaries :] Oh well, maybe I’ll get the timing right next month ;)
My Month in Brief
April has been a month of finally trying to get things together. There’s a lot of minor things to do and I’ve been trying to plan and do them. For example I got [...]

MONTHLY SUMMARY: March 2009 aka Diet Frenzy

Thursday, 16 April 2009, 23:51 | Category : Life & Stuff, Loaves, Monthly Summaries
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I started writing this ages ago, but due to the internet problem I haven’t been able to post this until now :] So sorry for this being rather belated!
It’s my attempt at starting another series of posts on this blog. The concept is to sum up what’s been happening in my life at the end [...]