Blu-Ray Copy Protection Hacked

Wednesday, 5 November 2008, 20:08 | Category : Computer Stuff, Crumbs, Film
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Yep, it took a group of hackers a few weeks to hack the system that was supposed to last for 10 years :]
As much as I get annoyed with people pirating films, I’m rather happy about these events. The system was silly and detrimental to people who wanted to watch films on blu-ray discs legally [...]

Maharashtra nationalism strikes the Indian film industry again

You may remember I once wrote about the nationalist tendencies in Mumbai. At the end I asked who will be targeted next and now we know :] It’s not any particular Bollywood star or even Bollywood itself… This time it’s the Bhojpuri film industry.
The Indian film industry is unlike any other in the world in [...]

The future of firefox…

Wednesday, 5 November 2008, 18:47 | Category : Computer Stuff, Crumbs
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There are three big features that Mozilla wants to bring to Firefox 4. Prism and Geode sound very exciting (I certainly could see myself using them), Weave less so, but I guess as long as I can turn it off I’m happy. The thing that struck me reading through the list is that they actually [...]

The Taleban react to Obama’s victory

Obama’s victory has brought a lot of reactions from all over the world, but so far there’s only been one that’s grabbed my attention. I somehow didn’t expect the Taleban were organized enough to have a spokesman or that they would feel the need to give any official comment on the matter, but apparently they [...]