Copyright is 300 years old now

Saturday, 17 April 2010, 17:33 | Category : Computer Stuff, Crumbs, Film, Politics, Human Rights & Other Serious Stuff
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Apparently, it was copyright’s 300th birthday 10 days ago! I thought this was a pretty cool article about the history of copyright and how different its original intentions were.
Also, there’s been an interesting development in the fight against piracy recently. The US government has admitted that most piracy studies are complete nonsense. More about this [...]

“There is only one Batman”

Thursday, 6 November 2008, 18:51 | Category : Crumbs, Curiosities
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At least that’s what the mayor of Turkish town, Batman says *grin*
“There is only one Batman in this world,” said Kalkan. “Without telling us, the US makers of the films have taken the name of our region.”
The mayor confirmed for the press that he would file suit in the United States if it came to [...]

Blu-Ray Copy Protection Hacked

Wednesday, 5 November 2008, 20:08 | Category : Computer Stuff, Crumbs, Film
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Yep, it took a group of hackers a few weeks to hack the system that was supposed to last for 10 years :]
As much as I get annoyed with people pirating films, I’m rather happy about these events. The system was silly and detrimental to people who wanted to watch films on blu-ray discs legally [...]