Alice in Wonderland - a dark story of tyranny

Alice in Wonderland (USA, 2010)
Seen: Friday, 5th March 2010 (cinema)
Runtime: 108′
Director: Tim Burton
Cast: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Crispin Glover
Production House: Walt Disney Pictures, Roth Films, Zanuck Company, The, Team Todd
Plot: (from imdb)
19-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends [...]

What makes a children’s movie?

I just searched for The Hunchback of Notre Dame on youtube for no apparent reason and the number one result was my favourite ever Walt Disney scene. Apparently, it’s not just me - there’s loads of people who love this one *grin* What gets me about it is that it seems so totally inappropriate for [...]

FILM SPOTTING: March 2010 in Polish cinemas

Now that March is coming to an end, there’s probably not that much point in posting this, but I figured I’d do it for continuity’s sake ;)
Alice in Wonderland (USA, 2010)
Release Date (Poland): 5th March 2010
Release Date (worldwide): 3rd March 2010
Runtime: 108′
Director: Tim Burton
Cast: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway
Production House: [...]