Bollywood ends strike

Tuesday, 9 June 2009, 20:06 | Category : Bollywood & the Indian film industry, Crumbs
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The strike I’ve been following has finally come to an end - it lasted two months. More details on the settlement can be found here.
Consequently, release dates for the coming major Bollywood releases have finally been announced :)

Are sex strikes becoming popular?

Wednesday, 13 May 2009, 0:34 | Category : Crumbs, Curiosities, Politics, Human Rights & Other Serious Stuff
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The first time I heard about women striking by withholding sex from their men was a couple of months ago. In Kenya things seem to have gone further.
The women in Kenya are worried that the political situation in the country has become so tense that it may have violent consequences - like it did two [...]

Indian Audiences Feeling the Strike

Monday, 20 April 2009, 1:05 | Category : Bollywood & the Indian film industry, Crumbs
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You may remember I wrote about how Indian film producers were going to start striking against multiplex chains on April 4th. The strike is still going on and Indian audiences are feeling it.

Indian film producers on strike

Saturday, 21 March 2009, 1:52 | Category : Bollywood & the Indian film industry, Crumbs
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As of the 4th of April no new films are going to be shown in Indian multiplexes. Film producers say they cannot afford the deals multiplexes force upon them and that’s why they’ve had to take such drastic action.

A Sex Strike

Wednesday, 31 December 2008, 18:45 | Category : Crumbs, Politics, Human Rights & Other Serious Stuff
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The women in Naples have vowed not to have sex with their husbands or boyfriends if they don’t stay away from dangerous illegal fireworks. It’s the first time I’ve heard of such a strike, but hey - if it works then great :)