The response to the Mumbai attacks
Now that things have calmed down, I finally feel the media is making some sense. In fact they’ve started echoing the feelings I had to start with :]
Now that things have calmed down, I finally feel the media is making some sense. In fact they’ve started echoing the feelings I had to start with :]
Al Jazeera has this series where they discover world cities through their street food. I have to look into more of these clips (cause I think it’s a really good idea), but for the moment it somehow feels right to post the report on Mumbai.
The report was shot in September (soon after the blasts in [...]
It would feel weird not to write something about what’s happening in Mumbai right now - despite never having been there it’s an important city to me, which is pretty evident on this blog.
But you know what? I don’t feel like linking to any of the news reports I’ve seen so far. The reporting on [...]
You may remember I once wrote about the nationalist tendencies in Mumbai. At the end I asked who will be targeted next and now we know :] It’s not any particular Bollywood star or even Bollywood itself… This time it’s the Bhojpuri film industry.
The Indian film industry is unlike any other in the world in [...]
One of the things that I find most mind-boggling about India (or what I think I know about it anyway) is that every opinion or stance you could possibly conceive of seems to be somehow represented if you look for it hard enough. Things that seemingly contradict will mysteriously manage to function side by side.
Mumbai, [...]