Tom Felton at DragonCon
More and more clips of Tom Felton at DragonCon are popping up on youtube and it just defies belief lol It’s a really crazy interview. From what I can make out, at this time clips of two Q&A sessions have appeared. Two more sessions are still to come I think.
The first Q&A did not receive particularly wide coverage on youtube, but judging by comments from fans it sounds like he loosened up gradually throughout the event and his 2nd Q&A was probably better (although the little I saw of the first looked hilarious too).
The amount of various innuendo in this is amazing *grin* Even when he didn’t put any in intentionally the audience would find something and start giggling. Harry/Draco in particular was a reoccurring theme.
Note to Kin: He really cracked everybody up on the innuendo front when he started talking about Helena Bonham-Carter ;)
In the first Q&A, he had an interesting slip-up which you can see here ;) He’s clearly a guy who likes to swear, but he always tries to keep it clean in the Harry Potter publicity. It was rather amusing to see him embarrassed about slipping up there (though is it just me or would you agree that saying “shit” is far from being a real slip-up? lol). What cracked me up was that by the second Q&A he had almost completely taken his guard down and was using words like “bloody” without apologizing lol
Anyway, here’s the other clip from the first Q&A that I thought was worth a look.
The second Q&A has been covered much more widely on youtube though often the audio and/or video is a bit difficult to make out. The clearest clip I’ve come across so far is this. It includes the previously mentioned Harry/Draco bit, but with more context (he said a bit more about Harry/Draco at that point ;)) and some other questions too.
The whole Q&A, which might be a bit much for most of you (it’s almost an hour) is below. The quality is a bit iffy, but I had no problem making out most of it. If you’d just prefer some short clips (quality is similar) then check some out here.