Microsoft and the Linux Foundation working together?

Friday, 22 May 2009, 20:50 | Category : Computer Stuff, Crumbs
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Yep, it’s possible. They have common interests in this case. The legislation that the ALI wants to introduce is completely impractical for the software industry.

The story of a teacher, who thought Linux was illegal and a Linux guru, who overreacted a little

Friday, 2 January 2009, 19:34 | Category : Computer Stuff, Slices
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The story goes like this… There is a certain organization called The HeliOS Project. Its goal is to supply working computers to children in low income families. The cheapest way to do that, of course, is to supply them with Linux rather than Windows.
One day, Mr Ken Starks, who is behind the project, received an [...]

Why supporting a wider range of platforms is in the interest of the software industry

Wednesday, 31 December 2008, 16:15 | Category : Computer Stuff, Crumbs
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This is a very interesting way of looking at the problem. The author gives very strong reasons for why supporting Mac OS X and Linux (rather than just Windows) can give your sales a massive boost. They may consist only 5% of the market, but there are sound financial reasons not to ignore these platforms [...]