FILM SPOTTING: October 2010 in Polish cinemas

I’m ditching my film spotting rating. It adds complexity rather than clarity. What I do want to stay with though is the practice of listing films that I’m in two minds about seeing (or in other words I’d probably see the film if a friend wanted to and/or if there was nothing else interesting [...]

Pride and Prejudice - the biggest Colin Firth classic

My apologies for being so bad with updating this blog of late :-/
First, the BA project got in the way. We were very tight for time and we didn’t get it done yet again would you believe! But at least this time we’ve certainly gone forwards and the quality of work is pretty good… or [...]

Ballet Shoes - Emma Watson ventures outside of Potter

I am finally up to date with my film diary *grin* Which means I haven’t watched any films in over 2 weeks - my BA project is really taking too much of my time *sigh* No wonder I have withdrawal symptoms from not watching enough films…
Ballet Shoes (UK, 2007)
Seen: Tuesday, 11th August 2009 (DVD)
Runtime: [...]