The Afghan national cricket team

Wednesday, 13 May 2009, 13:01 | Category : Crumbs, Uncategorized
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Taekwondo has really kicked off in Afghanistan (they got their first Olympic medal in Beijing in 2008). But there’s another sport that is developing rapidly in Afghanistan and it’s cricket. Here’s the story of a British-Afghan match held in Kabul, it’s really sweet :)

The Mumbai Blasts and Cricket

Monday, 1 December 2008, 22:31 | Category : Politics, Human Rights & Other Serious Stuff, Slices
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It might sound a little weird, but looking at the aftermath of the blasts through the perspective of cricket can tell us a lot about the political situation after the attack. Cricket is, after all, the national sport of both India and Pakistan.
At the moment there is doubt about whether the Indian cricket team will [...]