Today is the International Day of Peace! :)

The Day After Peace is a film that had a huge impact on me. Ever since I watched it (which was in October last year), I promised myself that I would somehow support the efforts of Peace Day.
The 21st of September is a very special day because it aims to be a day of global [...]

Omar Khadr

Omar Khadr is a Canadian citizen. He was 15 when he was taken into custody by US soldiers in Afghanistan. He is now 23 and still has not been sentenced. He remains in Guantanamo and the Canadian government is not doing anything to help him (Omar Khadr is the only Western national remaining in Guantanamo, [...]

Who hacked Al-Qaeda’s websites?

Wednesday, 22 October 2008, 23:15 | Category : Crumbs, Politics, Human Rights & Other Serious Stuff
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That is the question.