Google Ads

Wednesday, 1 December 2010, 22:14 | Category : Crumbs, Uncategorized
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As you may have noticed, I’ve put up some Google Ads in the side bar. It’s a sort of experiment - I’ve never played around with internet ads before and I want to find out about them.
But anyway, due to this, I am (quite rightly) obligated by Google to tell all my readers about how this effects their privacy. In short, Google will now be using a cookie to determine what kind of ads it should show you based on your previous visits to my site, as well as your visits to other sites. It does not, however, save any information that could be used to identify you.
If you’re in any way worried about this, check out Google’s Advertising and Privacy page. Apart from supplying more information about the cookie in question, it includes the option of opting out of it (on both this site and all other sites that use Google Ads - and there’s a lot of them out there!). The link is now on the About Page as well for future reference.
If the ads inconvenience your usage of this site in any way, please let me know in the comments. If any ads appear that you find inappropriate for whatever reason then also let me know - I do have the power to block specific sites from advertising on my site.

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