FILM SPOTTING: WFF 2009 edition | Part Two


I’m trying to cut down as much as possible… In truth there’s a lot of great stuff being shown at the WFF this year *sigh* My two posts are just things that I find hard to say no to even when time is difficult :] (though I’m considering saying no to Świnki as that is very likely to get a Polish distributor)

Fixer: The Taking of Ajmal Naqshbandi (USA, 2009)

Release Date (Poland): Veeery unlikely that it’ll get regular distribution in Poland
Runtime: 84′
Director: Ian Olds
Plot: (from imdb)

In 2007, the Taliban kidnapped 24-year-old Ajmal Naqshbandi and an Italian journalist. Naqshbandi was one of Afghanistan’s best “fixers” — someone hired by foreign journalists to facilitate, translate, and gain access for their stories.


The sceptical part of me thinks that…
I tend to throw myself at any film about Afghanistan regardless of it’s quality…

The excited part of me thinks that…
Even if it’s bad, it’s about Afghanistan, so I’ll get through it! And it’s an unusual angle on the whole Taliban thing, so it should be interesting. Besides, this one has good credentials - it won best documentary at the Tribeca festival.

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