Annoying editing choices

When I reviewed Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I criticized the editing for choppiness. Due to seeing some additional material from the film (this is something I found during my last Tom Felton phase but forgot to post earlier), I have more to add to that criticism now :]
I absolutely adored Tom Felton’s performance [...]

My Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie phase is more or less closed now…

…except that I haven’t posted the gazillions of publicity clips that appeared in the last month or so ;-P I won’t post all of them (far too many), so it’s more of a selection of what I thought were the best ones.
The Crazy Japanese Fan
If you only pick one clip to watch in this post [...]

The Potter publicity is cracking me up…

Daniel Radcliffe is really pushing the envelope *grin* We’ve got him specifying at what age he lost his virginity in this interview in Esquire. And the Guardian profile goes even further - he admits to an interest in cross-dressing lol I’ve been wondering whether he would own up to being a smoker if he was [...]

Half-Blood Prince publicity galore

The publicity for the upcoming Harry Potter movie is really moving now. Here’s a small selection…
So firstly, there’s a new scene from the film available now. It’s a scene between Dumbledore and Harry.
The clip has me convinced of two things… One - we’re going to get a lot of Dumbledore in this movie. Two - [...]

The young Voldemort scene

A slightly more extended version of the young Voldemort trailer is available here and for the first time I actually liked it. The boy works much better on the new clip than on the previous ones - I finally get why they cast him *grin*
I hope the film version is less choppy. I expect the [...]

A naughty video about Severus Snape

Friday, 19 June 2009, 21:19 | Category : Crumbs, Uncategorized
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I thought this was hilarious, I don’t normally like fan videos, but this one was edited really well. Poor Severus lol

P.S. Can you tell I’m avoiding studying for my exams? ;)

More Half-Blood Prince publicity and a lot of Tom Felton

I’ll start off with the one piece of publicity that isn’t Tom Felton related and that’s the Steve Kloves interview, which I think is a very good read :)
This is an interview with Tom Felton, Bonnie Wright and the Phelps twins. I think I’m mainly linking to it because I loved the bit about the [...]

Ron Weasley on love potion follow-up

Just following up yesterday’s post. The clip Warner Bros released is actually a little bit longer than what was shown on the Ellen show. For the full version (in any quality and format you please) go here.
Ron totally looks like he’s coming on to Harry ;)

First clip and more from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

There’s a slew of TV spots of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince coming out. Most of them are very boring (the same footage rehashed over and over) and only a few are moderately interesting IMO.
This one captured my interest because it’s Draco-themed and because of the Carry Out the Deed line. Helena Bonham-Carter delivers [...]

Yet another Half-Blood Prince promo clip

As much as I was complaining about there being too many trailers, I kind of like this one lol It’s different than the others cause it focuses completely on all the romance stuff and it looks rather hilarious. I love that they’ve pulled Dumbledore into it. There’s no scene in the books where Dumbledore starts [...]